Monday, January 7, 2013

Pregnancy 19weeks

I haven't been as consistent with this pregnancy to document the details so here is a recap of our surprise blessing...

I breast fed Demi for 1 year and by her first birthday my supply had diminished a lot. By this time I was in the process of finding a new OB doctor and getting back on birth control. So that's what I did. And one month and one week of taking birth control pills I found out I had become pregnant sometime in August shortly after Demi's first birthday. This was a wonderful surprise though if anyone knows me, I'm a planner so I had not planned for this. That's just fine with me because it's Gods plan and that's what I want...His Will!!!

On December 21st we had a gender reveal party, which was a blast and a new fad. Mom and I had went to Tulsa to have the early 16week gender ultrasound and the tech placed the gender in an envelope and we took the envelope to a local boutique. Here we picked out an outfit for both a boy/girl and gave the cashier the envelope as we went to lunch and requested she purchase and gift wrap the appropriate outfit. The next 6 hours were probably the longest of my life as the results were in the back seat. Taunting. Very taunting. Our friends and family gathered at our house that night. As we opened our gift, we found out baby #2 is another GIRL!!! I truly feel two girls close in age will be such a wonderful experience for them both. I can just image them in college together, same dorm room, studying and making friends together, as sisters. My pray my girls are best friends and grow close as they will be 24 months apart.

Our due date is June 3rd 2013. This pregnancy has been very comparable to my first. No complaints. No sickness. Praise The Lord. Very pleasant. I have noticed showing much sooner with my second. Gaining weight about the same as well. Very average. Just praying for another healthy beautiful daughter to welcome to the family this summer!!

Bristol Riley Bowen we can't wait to meet you and see your face!

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