Sunday, January 13, 2013

Holding your hand

The past two weeks Demi has wanted to include me in everything she dose. I mean everything. I must be with her at all times. She grabs my hand and takes me everywhere she wants to go. Though I won't get much done, I'll drop whatever I'm doing to go with her. These days are limited I know. I want to be her best friend as long as she'll let me. I truly love that she's such a Momma's girls right now. It's so much fun and I enjoy every moment. As I took a bath tonight, she stood by the tub splashing my water! I've seen more episodes/re-runs of bubble guppies and this cartoon will forever remind me of her. These moments are cherished!! I love her more than life!!!

Demi may God bless you and you one day too have the blessing to create life! You're my world and I pray we always share that mother daughter bond!! You're my everything and Ill hold your hand through anything!!

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