Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy 18 months Demi

The best 18 months of my life have been the birth and life of our daughter. I can't explain how compete my life has become since the birth of our child. Watching her grow and learn brings joy to my heart that only a mother understands. Since I haven't been blogging, I'll start from today and move forward otherwise I would focus on the past most wonderful 18 months of my life. My intentions for my blogging is more of a journal for my children and a legacy I want them to read...since actual memory of their young age is so often unspoken of and not remembered.

This past week Demi has been speaking in sentences and paragraphs, most we have absolutely no idea what's being said but it's music to my ears just hear her sweet little voice speak and make words. Ill ask her if she has "dirty pants" and she says, "Noooo". So now any question you ask, she responds with a "no." She loves bubble guppies, which is a cartoon she can't seem to get enough of. Last week she heard the train near our house and she said "all aboard", which is a phrase she hears on dinosour train, another favorite cartoon. She starting to associate things like that and it truly makes me such a proud momma. Its the small things. This week she's started holding/grabbing my hand and taking me into her room to play. She's always been a Momma's girl and I hope this never changes!! I want to be her best friend as my mom has been my best friend! This past month teething has really been uncomfortable as we're getting the first molars in. I've been giving into letting her sleep with us, which may not be the best habit to start but my time to snuggle and watch her sleep is short lived so I ll break all the rules on this parenting no no. As far as her eating habits, well she's so picky like me she barley eats. I worry about this and pray her apatite increases. However I will say she loves any kind of fruit particularly grapes and blue berries.

As I lay here in bed watching bubble guppies, one arm around her and one thumb typing this blog I cherish this moment. I would like to freeze the time. The older I get the more I hear how time flies, so tonight I'm going to cherish every snuggle and every foot in my side as I sleep next to my worlds most precious gift The Lord blessed me with. Demi you are my world and these past 18 months have changed my life!! Praise be to God!!

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