Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year=New Beginnings

This is my first post for 2013 and I'd like to dedicate it to our dog bruiser. Today was a difficult emotional day as we've unfortunately had to put him to rest. By choice? I don't know of you'd call it that or not. Approximately 1.5years ago bruiser was diagnosed with (SARD) sudden acquired retnal degeneration. Meaning he started going blind and quickly became 100% unable to see in either eye. Going 5 years with great eye sight and a life full of chasing other fellow paw siblings, he quickly became nothing but a couch potato. The ophthalmologist said dogs adapt to blindness by increasing their other senses. Well, not bruiser. He went down hill progressively worse as time went on. It was brutal watching him run into everything, finding him frequently staring at the walls. In the past months bruiser had two very eventful tradgies take place. 1. Stung by hundreds of bees and unable to run or find safty. 2. Wandered out of gate and became lost with no food or water for 5 whole days. At this point he felt unsafe outside, peroid. It seems he kept staring death in the face and for some reason kept on going. But was he happy? That's the question I answer and say NO. Not at all. Nor were we happy watching his pitiful face stare at the wall or repeatedly slam his head into everything and trip over his own paws. This was one of the most difficult decisions we've had to make and still unsure of if it was the "right" one. In August we lost Skippy and still have no clue what happened to him. Going from 3 dogs to 1... Not easy. Our house was a crazy, barking, hairy mess. But it was our furry pets that brought so much joy to our lives. So much laughter. Demi called him "Bruz" and would sit on him like a horse. She would pet him, saying his name. He was gentle with her though he couldn't see. Now what? Well to a new beginning. Starting the year our with only one furry pet. It's not going to be what we call normal but it's a new start for us. With baby #2 expected in June and a toddler running around I guess one pet will make things easier. I know that God knows best and there is a time and season for everything. I often question of these two pets I've lost are being replaced by my most two precious treasures... My children? The Lord knows I've always treated my furry babies as of they where children. Non the less, he knows best and here is to a New beginning. Maybe not an easy transition into this "season", but may The Lord give us the strength we need to start this year with a fresh new start! God bless you "Bruz". You've brought so much joy and laughter to our lives. The times Ill cherish of u being Santa clause each year for Christmas. When you would chase skippy gently healing him as of he was a cow, and when you'd run through the snow digging your face into it as if was a magical substance that had fallen from the sky!!! Your memories live on and ill always be your momma! Until we meet again, I pray your sight is back and your with skippy in heaven chasing each other!!! We love you Bruz!!!

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