Saturday, June 1, 2013

Two days till baby

As we nest and prepare for baby Bristol, we are enjoying those last few days as a Demi prepares to be a big sister. Last night we took her to her first rodeo to see the "neighs". Today her and daddy are playing kick ball and going on walks. I'm sitting outside with Sadi in my lap watching my loves bond. I pray they become closer and the transition of becoming a family of four is smooth. Demi has grown up so quickly and her sentences become more clear. She asked to play basketball w daddy...then says, "ready daddy"? She is going to be a great big sis. We have a bag full of goodies ready for her to open at the hospital from Bristol to her big sis. Meme is keeping Demi and we are going in Sunday night and inducing labor Monday morning June 3rd, my great grandpas birthday. I have a photographer and a dula ready for Monday as Bristol will arrive!!

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