Friday, June 7, 2013

Labor and Delivery

I have a whole new understanding for the terms labor and delivery. With Demi I had such a fairy tale story to share. I had a massage therapist, an epidural and other drugs to make my birthing experience unlike most. This time, however, not so fairy tale. Aside from the beautiful ending of a beautiful healthy baby!! Which, was all worth it. But I must say, here's my story...

I checked into hospital night before so they could start thinning my cervix. I was given 3 doses of citatec. Doctor Haraway broke my water at 7am. My contractions started at 3am and I was given my first dose of nebain for the pain. I was able to sleep until time for 7am to roll around. At that time I was requesting more newbain and my nurse said the ONE and ONLY CNA (certified nurse anesthetist) was in with a caesarian patient and it may be a while before I could get my epidural. I was dilated to a 5 and had been in excoriating pain while waiting. I was the woman screaming, crying and telling the nurses there was no reason I should be in this much pain!!! Once given the epidural, I still felt everything. I also never received an additional dose of nebain because I was so far dilated. At this point I requested the CNA to come check my epidural. And before he got back I felt the need to push!! I had them check me and I was ready t o push!! Nurses came running in and the doctor was being paged! The nurse had her fingers inside of me trying to keep me from pushing!! Needless to say I delivered her at 913am!! Two hours after he broke my water. All natural; no pain or anesthetics. I didn't tear and there was no need for an apesiotomy, thankfully!!

All pain and torture was gone immediately when Bristol Riley was placed on my chest. Such a beautiful healthy child was the result of my pain and suffering. It was all worth it. She is my blessing I've prayed for and loved from the very first moment!! Bristol is amazing, content and so happy. She grabbed the attention of so many with her natural highlights and a full head of dark hair. Bristol was 6lbs 10oz and 19in long.

Demi is such a wonderful big sister. She talks about "baby sissy" or "baby brussy" al lithe time. When we got home the asked our dog Sadi, "Sadi, you wanna see baby sissy". That has just melted my heart and brought so much joy and love to my soul. I'm so blessed and so happy!! I praise The Lord for my girls and pray for them every day.

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