Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Little Conversations

Demi is 22 months old and having details conversations with full sentences. Here are some frequent sentences.

"Mommy, Sadi/izzy is crazy" (this is common and every night when I lay her Down to sleep she has to tell me that izzy is crazy) this is moms dog who is very hyper.

"I wanna go"
"I want my Paci, please"
"I want to colly (aka color), K? She started saying "k?" After telling us what's she's going to go.
"I want bubbles" meaning bubble guppies which is her favorite cartoon
"I want melly (aka watermelon)
"Bye, bye, momma"
"O, no....pasci nasty
"Meow go? Ummm??" As in, "where did the cat go?"
She calls our dog "Sadi sue-sue"
While in the bathroom if I'm going to potty she says "nasty"? And may even hold her nose.

She uses her manors very well. Says please after asking for things like her pasci, bottle, to watch bubbles.

After Some one sneezes she will say, "bless u mommy" and even " bless u Sadi" (to the dog)

She often talks about meme,papa, juju, Norz and missy (the dog).

She makes papa sit. She will pull him all over the house and loves for papa to take her "outside".

She can repeat anything u say and is picking up on things very quickly.

She loves chalk, colors and bathtub colors!!!!!! Also loves bubbles.

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