Thursday, March 28, 2013

Demi-21 months "the little things"

Demi has grown so much in the past month. Now she speaking in full sentences. "Mommy, I want to go, please". "I want my paci". Sadi, no no". "I want a snack". "Mommy, I want u to sit". "Mommy, I wanna go outside" Clearly most of these are her "wants". Lol. She knows her animals. Horse=neigh, cat=meow, cow=moo...ect. She speaks mostly of mommy, daddy, meme, papa, Norz, and juju and of course Sadi and izzy. Her favorites are bubbles (the real thing or the cartoon). She was sick for the first time this month with a cough, snotty nose and also constipation. No treatment needed. She's a trouper. She loves putting on memes lip stick. She doesn't like the Easter bunny.
She loves dogs!! Sadi, izzy, dog, and she still looks for bruiser when we are outside.
Demi enjoys showers with mommy and knows there's a baby in mommies belly
She calls ice cream "ice" and loves when her daddy throws her in the air. Tho she's bossy and can also say bossy...she likes to watch other children and clap for them as they accomplish something. Demi also mimics us by pretending she's on the phone... She says, "O"meaning hello , then she carries on a conversation. Like saying, "o, No...daddy went night night" If they need to call back when daddy wakes up. Haha. I'm so proud of my little parrot who mimics what I do and say. She's truly the best blessing I could ever have. My most prize possession. The love of my life! Thank u lord for the little things on life!

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