Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Baby sissy

Always smiling. My happy, sweet, content baby Girl!!!

Demi and daddy


Im not very consistent on the blogging; now that there are two babies it's a much busier life. 2013 was a wonderful year. We welcomed our second child, Bristol Riley, into this world. She's been such a blessing. Bristol is so happy, content and full of smiles. She's sent from Heaven. My angel. My love. Demi is a wonderful Big sister and Im so blessed to have two wonderful, healthy and happy girls. This year has been full of blessings. Life changing blessings.

Demi is now 6months shy of being 3 years old....
She's almost potty trained. Her speech is very good and easy to understand. Demi knows several states, the pledge of allegiance, all of her continents and most of her shapes... She is so smart. Demi loves to paint. She has a passion for paint. We paint almost daily. Her favorite color is Blue. Her favorite cartoons are Bubble Guppies, Team Umi Zoomie, Paw Patrol, Peter Rabbit and Mike the Knight. She will Stand up in her chair and Say, "Im Demi Paige Bone-in". She's always saying the funniest things. She looks like her daddy and gives the most serious faces just like her daddy. She's great at using the iPhone and iPad and is such a big help around the house. She loves to help with laundry, dishes and more.

Bristol is now 7 months old.
She started eating home-aid organic baby food at 6 months. She's still nursing and starting to sleep more through the night. She's all smiles. Bristol is so happy and loves her big sissy. She loves to observe Sadi our dog. B laughs at her for no reason. When baby sissy wakes up, Demi and I go into her room singing a special song I created for her. "Baby sissy, baby sissy, I love you, I love you.... baby, baby sissy... I love you" Demi loves to sing with me. It's so special. Bristol is sitting up really well and rolling all over the place. She says momma and daddy...So I think. My girls are my life.

This year I was backed down to two days a week at work and boy has that been a blessing. Doug started the Trucking business back up and we are praying for great success this year with his business... I hope to continue blogging, though it will be random and some may be very short... I want my girls to have something to read as they grow... I see how much they are loved, to see what we do from year to year and to watch our family grow year by year... day by day.